iMobileHomes SoundScapes

Due to some inherent limitations of this architectural program, the SoundScape water feature is not well illustrated in the iMobileHomes™ rendering.  Our placement is intended to be on the table between the 2 windows where the vases are located.  These windows are facing a southern exposure providing maximum sunlight during summer and winter.  Take quick look at the video playlist below for a series of videos about water features and their use inside for SoundScape purposes

This iMobileHomes™ video Playlist features a number of excellent DIY projects which you can build in your mobile home with affordable pricing. We have also provided beow a very inexpensive series of links to a Solar Water Pump so that the energy footprint of the water feature is reduced to zero.

WIKIPEDIA tells us a soundscape is a sound or combination of sounds that forms or arises from an immersive environment. Simply stated it is more than just noise or even white noise. A SoundScape is a collection of natural or musical sounds which you intentionally create in order to enjoy life more. While soundscaping by professionals can be inexpensive, the techniques which are used are generally easy to understand and to do yourself.

SoundScaping in your mobile home is a perfect fit for most do it yourselfers.

Why SoundScapes? Left unattended, a mobile home can be a stressful environment for a number of reasons. Walls of mobile homes tend to be thinner than traditional housing permitting the infiltration of outside noise as well as migration of inside noise from within your home. A large part of the iMobileHomes™ mission is to research, test and share retrofit solutions which improve the quality of living for mobile home dwellers. This webpage and the links found here are designed to acquaint the reader with what is possible. For a FREE 15 minute consultation to discuss iMobileHomes™ SoundScapes and what can be designed for your living space, contact us at this EMAIL LINK to set up an appointment. Also please download our FREE White Paper: iMobileHomes™ Sound Sculpting – Improving Your Living Environment with SoundScapes. [COMING SOON]

 Sound shapes everything we see and experience in this world. Quantum physicists tell us that matter is light slowed down to the vibratory spectrum of sound. And matter as such is sound slowed down in the form of standing sound waves. Ok, that may be a mouthful , however it is true. We are immersed in a sea of sounds. Some we like. Others we do not like.

We play our part in creating them, and in receiving them. Often times the sounds we receive are not what we would prefer, particularly in our home. So what are our options? Acoustic ecology is a rapidly emerging field defined by intentionally creating sound environments that nurture us as human beings. Few people can say listening to the surf on a beach walk is not relaxing. Many will say the same thing about a waterfall and a trickling brook. Sounds of these types take our thoughts and consciousness to a less stressful place where we can simply enjoy the moment and expand upon those moments of rest.

An example of an affordable SoundScape is an interior waterfall with a Low Energy Footprint with Solar Pump.  It utilizes the power of the sun to pump water through your already existing or newly created pond/water display with this solar powered fountain pump! There are a number of pumps which you can access below to the right in the BROWSE BY CATEGORY area.

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